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Join our Integritas3 team Presenting at Hawaii Tax Institute Conference Nov. 6-10

Former Chief IRS-CI Victor Song and Integritas3 team present on FBARs following Supreme Court hearing. This premier tax and wealth transfer event draws global attendees.

We’re excited to be part of a panel presentation at this year’s Hawaii Tax Institute's 59th Annual Conference. More than 600 lawyers, accountants and wealth managers from around the nation and the world will be attending the premier national tax and wealth transfer event.

Don’t miss our session November 9th as it will be a hot topic following the Supreme Court hearing on the highly disputed FBAR tax penalty.

Titled FBAR Reporting: Trends, Pitfalls, and Enforcement, our multi-dimensional team of former IRS-CI leadership bring decades of deep expertise and insights into what to expect from the impacts of the Supreme Court events. The FBAR was created in 1970 as part of a US initiative to uncover tax money hidden in offshore accounts and has been debated for many years.

This session will explore what every tax preparer and tax attorney need to ask their clients about FBARs. Plus, we’ll discuss recent trends in enforcement and how IRS-Criminal Investigation is working with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement (J5) to globally enforce foreign bank account reporting. If you plan to attend, we'd welcome the opportunity to meetup and say hello. See you there.

Presented by:

Former Chief IRS-CI and Co-founder Integritas3 Victor Song and joined by our Former IRS-CI leadership team including Former Dir. of Operations, IRS-CI Kenneth Hines, Former IRS-CI Asst. Special Agent in Charge Kevin Hanff, Former IRS-CI Supervisory Agent Wilfred Castro, and Attorney Edward M. Robbins, JR.


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